+31 (0) 412 654 800
+31 (0) 642 648 509
+31 (0) 412 654 800
+31 (0) 642 648 509
Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Neuchâtel Switzerland

Neuchâtel is the capital of the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel on Lake Neuchâtel. The city is sometimes referred to historically by the German Neuenburg, which has the same meaning, since it originally belonged to the Holy Roman Empire and later Prussia, which ruled the area until 1848. The official language of Neuchâtel is French and is a pilot of the Council of Europe and the European Commission Intercultural cities programme. You must visit the old castle of Neuchatel, the historic downtown, the so-called "Eglise Rouge", the Red Church and the old Chateau which sits atop a small hill in the center of town houses the parlaiment of the Canton of Neuchatel, as well as an old medieval cathedral. The Chateau is also situated in the midst of the city's Old Town, which features many centuries old yellow sandstone buildings and narrow cobblestone streets. As well, a large red Catholic church dominates the skyline of Northeastern Neuchatel.
Recommended airport
Neuchatel Airport (QNC)
Nearby destinations
  • Berne a 39.60 km
  • Friburg a 27.11 km
  • Biel a 28.71 km