+31 (0) 412 654 800
+31 (0) 642 648 509
+31 (0) 412 654 800
+31 (0) 642 648 509
Kohunlich, Mexico

Kohunlich, Mexico

Kohunlich Mexico

Kohunlich is the name of a Mayan city and ceremonial centre, located about 65 kilometres from Chetumal, Quintana Roo, in the Río Bec region, very close to the border between Mexico and Belize. The name Kohunlich comes from the English cohoon ridge, which refers to the existence of corozo palms, a species characteristic of the Petén area. The settlement is located in an area where a flat landscape with subterranean drainage coexists with a hillside with hills, small ravines and watering holes. It is made up of housing units and civic and ceremonial architectural complexes, surrounded by fertile land for cultivation, located in an area of 14 km2.
Recommended airport
Chetumal Intl (CTM)
Nearby destinations
  • Chetumal a 48.82 km
  • Santa Elena, (Q. Roo) a 43.55 km